Monthly Archives: July 2019

When Trees Speak!

It is so wonderful to be back.  Have been off sharing my art in solo exhibitions, in group shows and more.  In addition, I’ve just returned to New York after garnering a fabulous art scholarship in the highly acclaimed SAVVY ARTS CHALLENGE at the University of South Carolina.  This wonderful program brought 100 artists in from around the country to assist businesses address challenges using art.  What a fabulous adventure.  My group was assigned a farm.  I’ll share more about that experience in my next post.

In the meantime, I have been delving deeper into my work focused on trees.  I am extremely focused on bring the visual narrative of cherishing trees into everyday life.  The shift in  our environment, climate change, the lost of trees due to fires or plain old destruction for economics demand our attention.  I simply wish to revisit my focus on trees and ask you to take a moment to address your intention, attention, compassion and empathy towards a major segment vital to the existence of humanity.



All images copyright (c) 2013 – 2019 Alicia Evans

When I crochet, it is as if my needle and thread begin to talk, thus my tagline:  “Let the yarn speak!”

Signature Label

May my yarn and trees speak to you today.

Alicia Evans / New York