Monthly Archives: June 2016

Introducing: “Purple Reign” Tree

When the great musician Prince transitioned, I felt compelled to create a tribute piece.  I created a swirling purple tree encompassing an abstract silhouetted side view of Prince’s hair with a tree bark reminder of his icon symbol.

I had the pleasure of introducing this oversized work as part of a wonderful new exhibit on Long Island, New York along with the works of several other talented artists.  Oh, how wonderful to share my “ROYALTY REIGN” with the company of others from The Creative Corner.

"Purple Reign" Copyright 2016 (c) Alicia Evans
My fiber art displayed during the exhibit opening night. Artists pictured left to right: Eddie Hug, Alicia Evans, Mike Cantone, the artist who calls herself: Miri Had a Little Lamb, Mickey Byrne

It was a glorious affair.  Another highlight in my continuing creative journey.

"Redd Tree" and "Simple Tree" and "Red Butterfly" All three works Copyright 2015 - 2016 (c) ALICIA EVANS
Alicia Evans with fiber art during opening night exhibit at Creative Corner in West Hempstead, New York.

Let The Yarn Speak: Can we go for a “dry”?

Working with yarn, textile or fiber to create art may involve experimenting.  For instance, when framing my wool pieces, I do not place anything under glass because yarn can actually sweat under it.  My motto is to allow the yarn to speak to me; that is, to carefully observe and intuit what can work.

Let the yarn speak!

Recently, after the first steps of crochet before sculpting it into a finished product–that of jewelry or fine art–I got a calling to toss a bunch of items into the dryer.  Crazy but I was compelled; the yarn told me to do it.

Well, I tossed my works in, then went on to do other things.   A short while later I returned and was amazed.  I actually sat and became mesmerized watching the toss of all my stringed works.  It was a wonderful rainbow swirling around. The blues and yellows and greens and red. 

Then I busted out in laughter. 

This is sick:  what the heck am I doing lovingly watching a rainbow of string toss around in circles?  Reminded me of being a child watching my teddy bear dry…slowly bumping around in circles.  Joyously chaotic.

Then even more crazy, I ran to get my camera for a picture…a crazy photo shoot of yarn in the dryer.  What the what???

Crocheted yarn string in the dryer. Photo Copyright 2016 (c) Alicia Evans

Well, when it all finished swirling around, I must say there was, indeed, a far more fluffier appearance.  Next step, to create finished works.

Ahh, the mind of a creative is always at work.
What do you think of this? 

Opps! Went the Cactus

What a title, huh?

Well, here’s the backstory.  While in the midst of preparing for an exhibit this weekend, I was in the final stages of a piece.  I was sculpting my crocheted works into a cactus.  Yes, it was shaping up fine.


I was about to do the final adhering of the image when…daggone!…the work seemed to jump from my table and fall to the floor.  Now once it shifts, moves in anyway, I am unable to reproduce the same image again.   Thus, I have to begin from scratch.  Here’s that same crocheted piece now sculpted into a piece I now call “Simple Tree”.

"Simple Tree" Copyright 2016 (c) Alicia Evans

Look very closely at the image and you will see it is the same twirls as the cactus.  It’s simply now ‘sculpted’ into a tree image. And, guess what?  I happened to like the tree imaging better.

What about you?

Alicia Evans
Fiber Artist

UPDATED: “Bolts ‘N Screws’ for Father’s Day

Update: I decided to change the background of the works and actually screw the artwork into the foundation. Here’s the final piece:

"Bolts 'N ScrewsII" Copyright 2016 (C) ALICIA EVANS

Do compare to the first one shared previously below.

What do you think?


I’ve started a new series called “Bolts ‘N Screws”…paying homage to our world of wonderful men.  The impetus for this focus stems from upcoming participation in an exhibit for Father’s Day on Long Island in New York.  

I’ve long wanted to encompass nuts and bolts and screws into my fiber art medium…so here goes to the first in an intented series of seven works.

"Bolts 'N Screws" Part I. Copyright 2016 (c) Alicia Evans

What are your thoughts?