Category Archives: park

Artwork in “Chat The Park” Event & NYC Gallery La La Gallery

So I have a couple of shows coming up in August including an event I am producing called:  Chat in The Park(C) under a gazebo where we will explore the subject of “Living Your Life On Purpose”.

I am so excited and have folks already humming about the upcoming  event on Long Island,  New York.

Chat in the Park Gazebo


Gazebo for upcoming Chat in the Park(C)

We will engage in the first of a relaxing retreat series of conversations that’s sure to empower, inspire and nurture your soul.  We’ll experience the sharing of others.  We’ll explore how you can shift your life for success at home, at work and in relationships


Chat in the Park Swan

We’ll be gifted with the decor of nature as our backdrop for a great chat.

August 15, 2015

And, of course, I will have my crochet artwork on hand to adorn the area along with the natural setting of a serene lake, trees, swans, and more. 

 Minatures with Leaves

Minatures Purple Pin

Wearable Chit Chat Pin

2015 (c) Copyright.  Alicia Evans

It is so exciting to be engaged in bringing forth this possibility to fruition.

Chit Chat Pins    Adorn a t-shirt,  spruce up a bag, start a conversation with a pin dancing upon your hat.
Chit Chat Pins
Adorn a t-shirt, spruce up a bag, start a conversation with a pin dancing upon your hat.



On another note, I had intentions to showcase my artwork in Soho, an oasis for the arts in New York City.  I set that intention at the start of 2015.

Well, sure enough, I’ve brought this possibility to reality.  My work will be featured in Gallery La La starting August 1st.  Whoop-Whoop!!  This is highly regarded venue for artisans.  I am so delighted and honored.

Gallery La La Street View

I see triple AAA’s coming up.

August, Art & Alicia