Pause for Celebration – Women’s History Month!

In our busy, active world–and sometimes it is a whirl!–we must take time to pause, breathe and celebrate all that we do.  One of my mentors stressed to me once, we must take time to acknowledge and celebrate who we are daily, that which we do…even for the small things.

I have discovered that offering small celebrations, rewards for making it through the week make life sparkling inside.  I’ll promise to treat myself to a book or a tall gourmet hot chocolate should I complete a task.  Or, I’ll encourage a night out with friends to celebrate a project completed.

“Celebration of self, making it through our day is so important for honoring the depths of who we are as a human being.”

What’s really special, though, is when others honor you.  I’m so excited to be recognized in a marvelous exhibition honoring women entitled, Women of a New Tribe.  The exhibition is features the physical and spiritual beauty of women highlighted in black and white photography reminiscent of the high glamour images of Hollywood’s 1930’s and 1940’s.  This exhibit has toured internationally and is now opening in New York through May.  I have been included for my work as a professor and fiber artist.

Jerry Taliaferro is the highly acclaimed photographer of this exhibit.

I’ll be sharing more after the show soon opens.

In the meantime, I shall be in deep “crochet reflection” mode while I finish up a couple of projects.  Hhhmm…I’m feeling the possibilities of a major fiber arts show opening soon.  Details to unfold as the possibilities bring such forth.


Celebrate Your Greatness This Week!

~ Alicia ~

Fiber Artist

PS:  Do share how you have take a moment to celebrate this week.  “You” are so important; own it!


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